Modernization of 200 MW outdated coal units a chance for lower electricity prices

In the interview carried out by the portal, the vice-president of the Renewable Energy Association (SEO), Mr Włodzimierz Ehrenhalt states that in the future, Polish power sector will be divided. The state part of the power sector should rely on effective and stable coal power sources. As a chance to ensure the reliable supply of electricity from coal power plants in the future, the vice-poresident sees the modernization of the numerous outdated 200 MW power units and underlines their elasticity, which is crucial from the perspective of integration with the renewable sources.
Renewed power 200 MW power plant can operate stably at 40% load and achieve full power in a short time. Implementation of moderized 200 MW units is considered as a chance for the coal mining sector. Sustainable generation of electricity is a foundation for the development of e-mobility, dispersed and renewable energy sources.