Achieving the assumptions of the Paris Agreement more distant

According to the findings of the International Energy Agency's annual report, if world’s greenhouse gas emissions do not begin to fall immediately, then the world will not achieve the ambition of the Paris Agreement to limit the temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial era.Instead, the most likely scenario shows that net emissions will not reach zero by at least 2070, which is term 20 years after the date suggested by climatologists.The report also shows that strong economic growth, a sharp increase in electricity demand and a lower increase in efficiency contributed to a 1.9% increase in global carbon dioxide emissions in 2018.While wind and solar energy are booming, the demand for energy in developing countries also increases the consumption of coal and other fossil fuels.In addition, global coal demand increased for the second year in a row in 2018 from which three-quarters occurred in the Asia-Pacific region.According to the IEA, if global coal policy remains unchanged, demand for this fuel will increase for two decades. In this regard, the IEA emphasizes the need of capturing, using and storing carbon dioxide to help reduce emissions.