CO2 emissions from coal energy are not the only or the main causes of global warming

Stefan Gierlotka PhD, from the Polish Committee for Safety in Electricity (SEP), in his publication entitled "The impact of carbon dioxide from the combustion of energy fossil fuels on the greenhouse effect - truth and myths", points out that the causes of climate warming should not be found solely in the CO2 emissions from the coal-fired power industry.It is estimated that human activity generates the combustion of about 10 billion tons of carbon per year, with the carbon dioxide as a by-product in the amount of about 36 billion tons per year.Although it is widely believed that the largest proportion of carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere comes from human economic activity, it turns out that, according to many researchers, the largest sources of CO2 emissions are volcanic processes and emissions from inland continental rifts. According to Gierlotka, the participation of volcanoes cannot be ignored in the analysis ofimpact of emissions on the environment, because the share of volcanoes in the global production of CO2 is considered to be significant.On the other hand, emissions from coal combustion account for only a dozen percent of total emissions. Moreover, as the publication shows, water vapor is also an important factor influencing the greenhouse effect, as it accounts for as much as 70% of the share in this process. Stefan Gierlotka also draws attention to the fact that climate change is a natural phenomenon, giving the example of Greenland, which in the past was a green, warm island.The publications also show that many researchers do not agree with the thesis that chemical factors or natural pollutants have an impact on climate change. In their opinion, it is mainly astronomical factors in the form of changes in the Earth's orbital parameters that may be the cause of climate change.Summing up, Gierlotka writes that the phenomena characteristic of the greenhouse effect are not completely harmful to the planet, because they not only allowed the existence of life on Earth, but also ensured the optimal temperature on its surface - the lack of the greenhouse effect would be equivalent to a surface air temperature of about -18 ° C.